Price: £16 Singing workshop £16 Concert | On the door £17 | Under 18s Free £27 Singing workshop & concert
Rolling Harmony is delighted to be returning to the beautiful setting and acoustics of Holy Trinity, Bradford on Avon, with a fabulous new programme of songs, following their hugely popular workshop and concert last year.
“An exquisite blend of voices and rich harmonies.”
Love to sing? Join us for a joyous harmony singing workshop in the afternoon. There are many great places to eat between the workshop and concert, within a few minutes walk.
“Absolutely fantastic! Skilled tutors, beautiful music and such fun”
4 – 5:30pm Singing workshop with Rolling Harmony
Sing with us… heart-lifting songs led jointly by Jane Harris, Clara Atkins & Claire Stronach with members of Rolling Harmony
7:30 – 9:15pm Rolling Harmony concert | Doors open 7pm
Refreshments will be on sale in the interval