5th November 2023

Bradford on Avon Fireworks Display

Price: £free

We’re busy preparing for this year’s fireworks display – which will be at Poulton Park on Sunday 5 November.

BoA Fireworks Display poster (jpg)

The event starts at 5pm – with music, food as well as funfair rides and amusements.

The fireworks display is scheduled for 6pm – and will last approximately 15 minutes. The event will then continue until 7pm.

The company delivering our display this year will be Pains Fireworks. They are a Wiltshire company based in Whiteparish (near Salisbury).

Pains are the largest professional fireworks specialist in the UK – and we’re excited to be working with them on our display.

The company also have a strong sense of their environmental responsibilities – and you can find out more about Pains’ carbon neutral dedication on their website.

Pains Fireworks take the total Net Explosive Quantity (NEQ) value from each product and calculate the total emissions produced throughout the display.

NEQ is the total massive of explosive substances without the casings etc.

They are then able to work out what sum donation is needed to offset those emissions.

On the day

Access for everyone coming to watch the fireworks will be from Poulton (coming in by the changing rooms) and Baileys Barn.

Please note that parts of Poulton Park will be closed during the afternoon on Sunday 5 November while we set up for the event.

  • This means there will be no public access to the meadow from 4pm
  • Similarly, the skatepark will be closed from 4pm.

We’ll have signs up around Poulton Park in the week before the event to provide information about all the closures.

Coming to the event

If you can, please walk or cycle to the event. One of the reasons we’ve chosen Poulton Park for this year’s display is a nice location and there is good pedestrian access to the park.

If you are going to drive, please don’t try to park at Poulton or Baileys Barn.

In the event of an emergency, we would like these roads to be as clear as possible so emergency vehicles could get through.

The nearest car parks in the town are the following pay and display car parks:

  • The Canal & River Trust car park by the wharf (charges apply at all times)
  • The car park by the train station (charges apply until 4pm on Sundays)
  • The car park next to St Margaret’s Hall (charges apply until 4pm on Sundays)
  • The Bridge Street car park by the library (charges apply until 4pm on Sundays)

All 4 of these car parks are within 1 mile of Poulton Park.

There’s information about Wiltshire Council’s car parks in Bradford on Avon on their website.


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